When it rains....
... bring an umbrella.
But if you're like me who uses public transport than drive around in a car, you can probably relate to the irony of
THAT ONE DAY when you decide to leave your umbrella and then the rains pour.
But i digress...
It's funny how sometimes, for the longest time you're just twiddling your thumbs, staring into space doing absolutely nothing, almost to the point of mental and physical atrophy....
...and then...
In tidal wave fashion, you're swimming in work.
Not that I mind this. It's just different.
And different's nice.
Although, I don't know for how long I'll think this kind of lifestyle as amusing.
I'll just have to wait and see.
But for now,
I'll just keep swimming.... just keep swimming.... just keep swimming, swimming swimming.....
After a new year begins, most people tell you about what they've learned about themselves during the past year. In anti-iconoclastic fashion, I've decided to hop in the bandwagon:
Late last year, someone told me that I was scoliotic, i.e., my right lumbar area is deeper than my left.
Simply put, I have a crooked spine.
And while that isn't exactly earth-shaking news of tidal wave proportions, it still is a
"thing" because for 23 years, I and the rest of mankind assumed my back was straight.
Apparently, it's not.
So what do you do?
Common sense would tell you to:
(1) go seek an orthopedic surgeon who would probably refer you to
(2) a physical therapist who in turn will subject you to
(3) a series of exercises aimed at correcting said curved spine.
Now, the question is:
(1) will I make the effort to seek out such a doctor and
(2) find time to attend my PT sessions and
(3) actually perform said exercises?
Decisions, decisions....And it's only January....
Feels like it's gonna be a long year....