Wednesday, January 05, 2005


After a new year begins, most people tell you about what they've learned about themselves during the past year. In anti-iconoclastic fashion, I've decided to hop in the bandwagon:

Late last year, someone told me that I was scoliotic, i.e., my right lumbar area is deeper than my left.

Simply put, I have a crooked spine.

And while that isn't exactly earth-shaking news of tidal wave proportions, it still is a "thing" because for 23 years, I and the rest of mankind assumed my back was straight.

Apparently, it's not.

So what do you do?

Common sense would tell you to:
(1) go seek an orthopedic surgeon who would probably refer you to (2) a physical therapist who in turn will subject you to (3) a series of exercises aimed at correcting said curved spine.

Now, the question is:
(1) will I make the effort to seek out such a doctor and (2) find time to attend my PT sessions and (3) actually perform said exercises?

Decisions, decisions....And it's only January....

Feels like it's gonna be a long year....