Plastic Pine Trees
Just a few more days and it'll be Christmas. And somehow, the family has conveniently forgetten to put up the decorations and (horror of all horrors...) the plastic Christmas tree.Frankly, I don't even know why I'm writing about it. I'm the last person who should be given that I've always thought that the idea was (and still is...) a dumb one. Why insist on having an artificial version of a plant that doesn't exist in this hemisphere anyway?
And talk about space wasters.... Whenever that "tree" is around, I'm forced to take a detour around the living room just to get to the kitchen. Just imagine the manhours lost in TV/Movie snacktime just because of that delay... That in itself merits a constitutional ammendment or something of that sort...
But I guess people need symbols. It's just sad that many choose to have THAT kind of a symbol over the one that really matters.
And I TRULY HOPE none of you have to ask what that is.
We can always hope, I guess...
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