Random Thoughts While Staring Out of the Glorietta 4 McCafe Store Entrance From 12:40p-1:50p
1. Michael Jackson's Thriller playing at the height of the Christmas season. How Burton-esque...2. Crossing my eyes at people at random. I wonder if they notice.
3. Lunch break over. Considerably less people walking around at the mall on a weekday. Yes, Virginia, there's a bundy and you forgot to clock in....
4. Japanese women and their Louis Vuitton handbags... a picture of materialism with a hint of class.
5. corny jokes seem a WHOLE LOT funnier when you've been waiting an hour on your butt. Personally, I prefer this over the frown lines you'd otherwise acquire fuming over the fact your date is SOOOO late... "Lucy, YOU'VE GOT SOME EXPLAINING TO DOOOOOO....."
6. bumped into people from different areas of my life in the most unlikely of places - TWICE within a period of an hour. What are the chances?
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