Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Trivial Discovery

Last night, went to walk walk my brother around the subdivision.

(yes, just like you would walk a pet.

without the leash of course.

although he would protest and say he was walking ME.

but we all know better...)

It was a new moon and there was a great big cookie right up there in the sky. just like those marie cookies that i used to be sent off to school with. they're round, yellow and tastes like, well... a cookie...

i guess i haven't noticed it before, but apparently, with a bright moon you can do cloud watching. Even at night.

So I did.

And I saw the face of a really hairy man with thick eyebrows and a large nose.

Then a long boot that was kicking a sneaker.

After that, it was pretty much just collective formations of water vapor.

Damn, I need to work on my cloud watching skills more...