What do the knick-knacks on my desk say about me?
Let me count the ways...
1. An empty can of Coke (the size meant to be served with airline food)
- So far, in my nearly 25 years of existence, I have only been on one round-trip flight. I know there should at least be 2 cans in there (one for each flight) but it took up too much space and was getting redundant.
2. A jar of old Philippine Peso coins (remnants of the 80's and 90's)
- kept out of sentimentality for the said decades as it dates my childhood and formative years.
- too lazy to take the coins to the bank before it was demonitized.
3. Unopened pack of hard candies shaped like a tray of sushi
- leave it to the Japs to come up with candy that looks like raw fish...
- refuses to open package because of fear that i'd forget the person who gave it to me.
4. Unopened sampler bottle of Absolut (with a Christmas 2003 gift tag still attached to it)
- i don't drink vodka (or alcohol for that matter).
- saving it on the off chance i might want to (out of heartbreak, anger or just plain "bwiset").
5. Set of pewter cocktail forks
- i eat cocktails with my hands and not with some wimpy-looking forks.
- keeps it for the same reasons stated in number 3.
6. Roll of developed 16mm film
- a reminder fading fast of of film school minor glories and major disasters.
- a remnant of solo editing stints on linear editing on rickety Cinemonta tables at the PIA.
...to be continued.
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