Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Dabble # 3

As a commuter on public transpo, I tend to curse the rain. But then, you get to see images like these, and somehow, the squishy sneakers seem almost worth it.

Steel Reflection

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I'll just say this once, and once ONLY

Amidst all this hullaballoo over resignation and shit, let me just post my flag on the mast.

This country can ILL AFFORD another "revolution".

What has passed for revolutions and change in this country is merely an elaborate and over dramatized game of Trip to Jerusalem. It's either the dummy on the Right or the Idiot on the Left.

What's up for grabs in this current political farce is a juicy five and a half year term AND eligibility for re-election for whoever "wins" at this game - a prize any trapo will salivate over.

Now more than ever, I pray for true order to prevail; for TRUE STATESMANSHIP to prevail among those who can influence events, and TEMPERANCE for people like me who can do little else.

If those in power are truly at fault, let due process take its course and convict when they are found wrong.

To those who want cry for "change", I pose this challenge:

"You want change? Why not let the rule of law actually RULE this time, instead of these "quick fix" revolutions we've become so ridiculously INfamous for?"

I've said my piece. Finito.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Thoughts After a Movie Marathon

Just this past weekend, I discovered we had a box set of the HBO mini-series Band of Brothers.

Maybe out of nothing else to watch, I took it to my room and had myself a WW2 epic marathon - watching six episodes straight, one after the other. (Kind of like watching Fellowship of the Ring and Two Towers consecutively, which i have already done, by the way...)

I probably have seen more war movies than what is "normal" for my gender. We females tend to be stereotyped into watching only "girly-girl" chick flicks. And to some extent, I wouldn't argue.

But then, I'd have to admit that there is something about war movies that appeals to me, regardless of my lack of the Y-chromosome.

I like WW2 movies the most.

Maybe because in some ways, it's the most romantic war I've known.

It was the classic conflict of good and evil. Who could have possibly missed the dichotomy of the Allied forces led by Churchill, Roosevelt, and Chiangkai-shek against the Axis powers Mussolini, Franco, Tojo and of course, Hitler?

Maybe I'm just caught up with the optimism of those days.

When things seemed clearer then.

Unlike now, where everything's in murky gray.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Living Testament

Your life's a living letter
That's a sacred certainty.
A poem of perfect praise
That's what I hope you will be.

It's all you were and all you are,
And all you'll ever be.

Your life's a letter
written there by Me.