Thursday, January 05, 2006

Head 'em up, Move 'em out

I didn't fully realize, until a few weeks ago, that this blog's about 2 years old already.

I started this when I was still in college, working on my thesis. I will have to say that even after 48 months, being outside of school feels no different.

However, that is not to say that that changes haven't taken place since i started blogging. In fact, a lot has happened in the past 104 weeks.

And although these entries may not exactly articulate all those changes and events, some do stand out - ranging from the profound to the downright silly.

So as a finishing chapter to Sand Castles, here's a brief listing of posts I felt said the most about yours truly.

Feel free to browse anytime.

the first entry

job application. need i say more?

long winded. typically Charis.

lessons inane. but lessons nonetheless.
(it's another thing if it's of any use to anyone but yours truly.)

When something like cancer strikes someone you love, you pray for a miracle.
Sometimes, somehow, it comes in forms you least expect them in.

Pop quiz:
What does Jollibee, a flyswatter, Mutalisks and life have in common?
Not necessarily found here, but then again, aren't you curious?

UN-characteristically short. but a sassy entry nonetheless.

I liked how this picture turned out. I hope you do, too.

This isn't as noteworthy until you realize what I did 8 months after...
(hint: check this blog's last entry - to which I will not post a link to. hehe.)

Obviously, something big happened to make me write this. If you want to know what, I'd be more than willing to share. But you'd have to ask.

There are those days when quirky things seem to come one right after another. This is one of them.
Wish I had a lot more of these...

I can't tell you exactly why I like this. But if I had to, I would have to honestly say I thought this was clever.
(Won't blame you if you think otherwise. Actually, it's more like I don't care.)

Of course, this begs the question:
"What IS typical Filipino middle class surburbia like?"
Frankly, I think it's all a matter of opinion. But then again, so is everything else.

These and other entries are all open game for consumption, evisceration or ridicule. It's not definitive nor authoritative. Heck, most of the time, it doesn't even make sense. But who's complaining?

I'm not.