"She did WHAT?!?!?!"
To those familiar with my convictions regarding the digital lifestyle, i.e. relying on digital gadgets and whatnots over being analog, my recent purchase would be cause for a lynch mob to take me to the streets, beat me up and hang my carcass up high for the carion to consume.
This is because I've ditched my paper-based organizer for a Palm TX.
'Nuff said.
Now, must hide.
On A December Daybreak
Being nearly legally blind has its advantages.
For one thing, the streets of Metro Manila don't look as crappy as it is when you don't wear your glasses.
This is what I learned when I took a ride in the car at 5:30 in the morning.
The Christmas lights from the night before where left on, and my myopic eyesight simply refused to focus making them look like bursts of lights everywhere.
Now I don't know how a junkie feels like after he gets his fix, but i did see a lotta stars that time.
And I'm not complaining.
I actually think it's something people with "normal" eyesight fail to appreciate given that that's all they see.
I, on the other hand, have been allowed to see things quite differently.
For that I guess I can say I'm sort of grateful.
Until I nearly crash into a pole.....
... but that's another story....
Wish Ko Lang
'Tis the holiday season.
And while this is the season of giving. Methinks a little wishing is also allowed.
And so, without further ado...
This, my friends, is a french press.No, it's not the French media. (and yes, i can hear you snort. I can even
HEAR you roll your eyes, Anne.)
Anyway, as I was saying...The french press is a simple contraption used (not just by the French) to make coffee or tea.
You put in the coffee grinds or loose tea leaves; pour in hot water and let the substances brew for a while.
Before drinking, press the disc to hold down the pesky grinds or leaves while you pour your choice of brew into your cup or mug.
Nifty gadget.
What do the knick-knacks on my desk say about me?
Let me count the ways...1. An empty can of Coke (the size meant to be served with airline food)
- So far, in my nearly 25 years of existence, I have only been on one round-trip flight. I know there should at least be 2 cans in there (one for each flight) but it took up too much space and was getting redundant.
2. A jar of old Philippine Peso coins (remnants of the 80's and 90's)
- kept out of sentimentality for the said decades as it dates my childhood and formative years.
- too lazy to take the coins to the bank before it was demonitized.
3. Unopened pack of hard candies shaped like a tray of sushi- leave it to the Japs to come up with candy that looks like raw fish...
- refuses to open package because of fear that i'd forget the person who gave it to me.
4. Unopened sampler bottle of Absolut (with a Christmas 2003 gift tag still attached to it)
- i don't drink vodka (or alcohol for that matter).
- saving it on the off chance i might want to (out of heartbreak, anger or just plain "
5. Set of pewter cocktail forks - i eat cocktails with my hands and not with some wimpy-looking forks.
- keeps it for the same reasons stated in number 3.
6. Roll of developed 16mm film- a reminder fading fast of of film school minor glories and major disasters.
- a remnant of solo editing stints on linear editing on rickety Cinemonta tables at the PIA.
...to be continued.