Monday, September 13, 2004

Thus far...

Staring blankly into the screen. I wonder what's become of me so far. Finally landed my first real paying gig and somehow feel both exhilarated and drained from the experience. Pretty sure there was a better way of doing things. Which only goes to show that there's a lot of things i DO KNOW and a LOT MORE that I DON'T.

working on getting Pitik-Bulag Productions going. So far, so good. No real project yet. But I'm working on that. Maybe a bit more effort than what I'm currently putting in. That's my fault. I let too many things distract me. (Which is so TYPICAL of me anyway.)

On a sidenote, last Friday, I got wrapped in Saran Wrap and then steamed (hopefully to perfection).

I finally know how leftovers feel like.

My only regret was that I had to pay 400 pesos for the experience.

Go figger...